Nearly 25% of payments are made after their due date. If a delay in payment exceeds 90 days, there is 15% chance that you will not recover it; if a payment is not made within a year, the chance to recover it is only 30%. Debt enforcement conducted by court bailiffs in 2018 were successful only in less than 15% cases. Thus for each 100 enforcement cases only 15 ended with creditors actually recovering their money.
We know how payment gridlocks may slow down development of businesses, put it at risk of additional expenses which result from having to take out higher working capital loans and in many cases consume the vast part of their profit margin. We are also aware how insolvency of a few business partners can cause a low-profit business to go bankrupt.
To meet the needs of our Clients we prepared a comprehensive debt collection system which helps to recover debts faster and optimizes costs of such collection. This system includes recovering debts not only from the debtor himself/herself but also from third parties, heirs and the debtor’s beneficiaries. Further, we run regular workshop for our Clients where we discuss the financial outcomes of certain industries, point out which businesses are currently at risk and identify possible offences, including tax offences.
We specialize in recovering ″difficult debts″ of high value. On the basis of our experience we can create an effective legal strategy including several court proceedings and a wide range of out-of-court actions.
- comprehensive debt collection and managing debt recovery process starting from a request for payment to the receipt of payment by the Client,
- optimization of transaction making process to ensure faster collection of debts,
- preparation of plans for recovering debts and implementation of documents, including procedures for dealing with “difficult debtors”,
- representation of creditors in pre-court, court, enforcement, reorganization, rehabilitation and criminal proceedings,
- recovering debts in cases of fraudulent conveyance (actio pauliana),
- recovering debts from creditors favoured by the debtor,
- recovering debts owned by insolvent companies from their management board members, supervisory board members or shareholders, including shadow shareholders (piercing the corporate veil),
- recovering debts from the debtor’s spouse,
- cases to ban debtors and management board members from conducting business activity.